Vet-Repro Reproductive Specialists

Ovulation Timing
Identifying the point at which a bitch ovulates in her cycle is called ovulation timing. It is a critical piece of information when choosing when to mate;

Transcervical insemination
Transcervical insemination has been proven to result in higher pregnancy rates and larger litter sizes than traditional vaginal artificial insemination.

Management of Seasons
Whether your bitch’s seasons are regular or irregular, there are a wide range of options available to postpone them – either briefly or for a prolonged period – without any lasting effects on future fertility.

Pseudopregnancy is a completely normal phenomenon. All bitches that don’t fall pregnant during their season, experience a period of pseudopregnancy.

Heat Induction
Heat induction is the advancement of a bitch’s season so it occurs sooner than would be anticipated based on her previous pattern of seasons.

Pregnancy Evaluation
Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound scan can be performed from around 21 days of gestation. It is quick and non-invasive.
Other procedures

Breeding soundness examination and certification
A certificate is available to owners of breeding animals to show an examination has been performed at a reproductive specialist establishment.

Animal Infertility investigations
We have the knowledge, expertise and state-of-the-art equipment needed to get to the bottom of every animal’s fertility conundrums.
Do you need advice, or would you like to discuss if the procedures we offer are right for you and your pet? We’re friendly and would be happy to help.